Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chapter Ten

I turned around and tried putting on my most sincere smile.

Me: samme 5alte?

She had the fakest smile on.

5alte 7anan: Abeer 7abeebte ommek tebeek o kent ab3'a a7akeek eb maw6'oo3

Me: tfa6'ale

5alte 7anan: you hurt walade Fahad o bayen 3aleeh y7ebbek men ta9arrofata o keef kan nervous lamma gelnala ena jayeen ne6lb yadek lah o hatha el shay law tn6ebeg el sema 3al ar'6 ma ansa lk, kelma o rad 3'a6aha, la tel3abeen eb masha3er walade. Elle 9ar 9ar o 5ala9 ma nebeek le Fahad bas leave him alone, fahma wela la?

I was too shocked to speak or even think of a good thing to say. I just shook my head.

5alte 7anan: FAHMA WELA LA?

She wasn't yelling but she was hissing at me.
I nodded because I didn't want any trouble or fa6'aye7 eb 3azeemat mama.

She smiled the most hateful smile I've ever gotten from anyone eb el 3alam and then walked out of the kitchen. What's wrong with this woman? I never liked her.
She mentioned that mama wanted me, right? I went outside and helped mama out o I got the most awful stares ever but I ignored her.
Kent agadem chocolates then wagaft gedam 5alte 7anan o she ignored me so I walked on to the next woman. Right after I was done, Sara whispered.

Sara: t7ager ba3ad, chiba7 hal wayh ma tgooleenle shfeeha hathe?

Me: ta3ale nroo7 el mel7ag, I'll tell you all about it

Sara pulled me to the mel7ag after I set the 9eeneya down.

Sara: ee shno 9ar?

I told her everything, from what she said to the stares I was getting.

Sara: 5altech 7anan? Mafe wala tharat 7anan eb hal marah, ma erta7tlaha o haha 7esbalha y7bbech, 9ej om '6ay3a o ma ta3ref her own son, la o yayya 3ala asas betdafe3 agool malat 7etta malaat

Me: gaharatne o elle gaharne akthar enne I just nodded

Sara: betgoolen 7ag ommech?

Me: la2 6ab3an

Sara: 7ag obooch?

Me: haw wesh da5ala

Sara: ma adre ya3ne ay a7ad?

Me: no bas ente o yaweelek law a7ad 3araf

Sara: 5ala9 okay, ba3deen ta3alay shrayech tgoolen 7ag Fahad?

Me: men jeddek?

Sara: ee 5al y3aref shetsawwe omma hal maynoona

Me: 3eeb Sara tgoolen 3an el 7orma ketha, kober ommek

Sara: weee3 wee3, smelllaaa 3ala omme

Me: mo ga9de shay bas ya3ne

Sara: enzeen goolela walla lazem y3aref

Me: I'll think about it, now chub let's go inside

We got back inside. The night went by smoothly except for the horrible gazes 5alte 7anan sent my way every 5 minutes.


Faisal was getting back his phone tomorrow and I was so happy. Today's thursday so that meant I was going to their house. Eash faydat bbm when you get to see the person you want to talk to face to face?

Me: wake up ya 7mara

Sara: 5alaaa9

Me: yalla benroo7 beetkom

Sara: ana ba3ad a7ebbekk

I slapped her face 3ala el 5afeef.

Me: goome

Sara: la talmes my face, it tickles me

Then she started giggling. Mo 9a7ya, literally. I thought I'd play her so fa5amt my voice and started talking.

Me: Sara 7ayate ana Salman

Sara: ee a3aref, a3arefk men been million wa7ed

She started giggling again, ma9aaaalaaaa.

Me: shoofe jebtlek warda, a7ebek ya ba3ad kelle

Sara: 7abeebe ana, ween 3abeer etye tshoof sh9ayer


And with that I started jumping on the bed.

Sara: wa5raay zeeenn, eklay 5ara, mane gayma

Me: la betgoomen

She pulled the blanket over her head. So fa5amt my voice again.

Me: Sara 7abeebte, yallaaa emshe

I started tickling her ta7at her foot.

Sara: 5ala9 5ala9 kane I woke up, waaay killing you seems like a great idea right now


After Sara and I got dressed we decided we were going to the supermarket to get snacks before heading to their house.

We arrived and I spotted a familiar car, to be exact, a dark blue Cayenne. My Faisal's car.

I started checking how I looked in my pocket mirror because the car's mirror is just ugly. Sara turned around and looked at the direction I was looking at then she turned around and stared at me, smirking.

Sara: sh3aleeech yobaaaa, etsha59een 7ag o5ooyy, 3ala el a8al saweeha men waraay mo chethe jedame

Me: ma asha5e9laa, keep dreaming ente weya

Sara: yalla bas nezlay

We got out of the car and we decided we would split up. I would get the drinks, she would get the chips and the chocolates.

I got a couple of drinks then Sara showed up ebser3a jambe.

Sara: hatha ohwaaaa, the shesmich guy, hatha Salman shoofay shoofay sh7alataaa

Me: eskte la tfashleenna, ba6le 5azz

Sara's expression changed then she had a look of pure evil on her face so I turned around and there he was, Faisal next to Salman.

Sara: Faaisal Faaaisal ta3aaal

Salman looked confused for a second then he quickly changed his expression to a normal one.

Faisal: na3am shtabeen? Hala wallla eb Abeer, shloonech?

Me: el 7amdella I'm great, enta shloonek?

Faisal: o hatha so2al yense2al, sheftich akeed bakoon great ba3ad

Sara: 3ade e5thaw ra7atkum, tegder et3'azelha shwayya

Faisal: chub bas la yesm3ech elle ma3ay, ga9ray 7issech

Sara: leesh mno hatha?

Faisal: o entay sh5a9ech?

Sara: la bas as2al

Faisal: esma Salman Alflane

Sara: aaa eeee

Faisal: shno?

Sara: mako bas wedde ared el beet akel hal ashyaa

Faisal: 6ab3an, ba6nech awal shay etfakreen feeh

Sara: chub

Faisal: el mohem, see you at home?

Sara: ee ee, see you

Faisal: a7acheech, Abeer?

Abeer: haha, ee see you

Everyone around was staring at us like we were doing the most horrible thing ever. It's like we were being judged for nothing, it's not like we hugged each other. Tafkeerhom y5alle el ensan y3a9eb.

Faisal: shoofaw el malageef, shway o yyeebon karase o popcorn mendamjeen smella 3aleehom. A7san ana a3aref shloon I give them a good show.

Sara was right next to me. He bent down so close to my face, I could feel his breath on my neck and smell his perfume,

then he moved his lips to Sara's cheeks.

Then he walked away ebser3a and screamed men be3eed,


I love the fact that he can easily make me laugh, I laughed then turned around to the shocked Sara.

Me: what's he talking about?

Sara: I have no idea bas atwa8a3 yabe yethbetlohom ena tafkeerhom wa95 haha

Me: my man is smart, shoofe 7aggek tha el 5ebel allah la yeblana

Then I couldn't contain my laughter and started laughing hysterically. Salman was just standing there gawking our way. Then his phone rang and he snapped out of it.

We walked passed Salman and overheard him talking on the phone.

Salman: hala Faisal?

Salman: ee, meen hathool?

Salman: la bas as2al

Salman: ee yemken walla men el madresa

Salman: ee shakla, ween re7t ent?

Salman: ee ok, yalla ana el 7een jay

I bet he was asking about us.


Later on that night, I got a call from mama.

Me: hala mama

Mama: ahleen 7abeebte, keefek?

Me: el 7amdella, ente?

Mama: el 7amdella, se2alt abook o hoo mwafeg

Me: 3ala eash?

Mama: bema enna el 9eef garrab I talked ma3a about summer camp, betroo7een ma3 Sara o Faisal law tebeen

I turned around and mouthed Sara about it, she kept nodding and clapping.

Me: bas mo ka2enna shway badre? Tawha kanat spring break bas ee ee akeed abe, bas keef?

Mama: la 7abeebte shaklek ma tedreen ween allah 7a6ek, bage agal men shahar 3ala el 9eef, 5ala9 I'm signing you up right now


Mama: 3afwan 7abeebte

She hung up. Moms never use the word bye.

We heard someone knock on the door,

Faisal: sh'hal ez3aj?

Sara: malek 5a9

Faisal: Abeer, sh9ayer?

Me: la bas yemken aje ma3akom summer camp

Faisal: la 3ad, mn 9ejech? La la etta3'ashmereen

Me: no 9edeg

Faisal: can't wait walla

Sara: 5ala9taw?

Faisal: o entay shako?

Then he winked at me and walked out.
Sara started blabbering about how Faisal is so annoying and I started thinking about what would happen in the summer.


It was 10 PM and Sara and I were fighting over what movie we should watch but then Sara randomly mentioned a girl in school,

Sara: ella Abeer sheftay shloon Noura et5ezna? Chenha shayfatlaha b3'alteen

Me: la walla ma entabaht

Sara: Faisal gabl cham men esboo3 se2alne 3anha

Me: 9edg? What did he say?

Sara: bas se2alne etha a3arefha

Me: aha

Noura didn't have a great som3a, I'm not the one to judge bas ya3ne marra bayen men ta9arofat'ha. At least yekoon a7san law t7awel t5abbe shway.

Sara: shfeech nafastay?

Me: la mafe shay

We watched the movie then I went back home. I checked twitter, I gained a couple of followers, I got a couple of mentions, and I got a DM from Faisal.

After following back some people and replying to the mentions, I checked the DM from Faisal.

Faisal: wayed met7ames 7ag el camp :p

Me: ee me too *_*

Faisal: eshtagteele on bbm? ;)

Me: lol la tshoof nafsek tara 3ade ya3ne

Faisal: ya 3eene ya thegeel

Me: Faisal

Faisal: samme? :*

Me: keef te3ref Noura?


Author's note:

Enjoy!!! :*


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