Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter Eight

I started looking frantically for the charger. Under the bed, next to the dresser, behind the lamp, I even looked in the goddamn balcony.  

Sara walked in after she told me she would go get us some water. 

"Yalla get dressed, we're going out." She strictly said.  

"Malich 5a9, yalla libsay." 

I nodded because I knew there was no arguing with her. Fahad can wait. I threw my phone on the bed, washed my face, then quickly got dressed. 

Faisal was waiting for us downstairs on the couch flipping through the channels, right when he saw me, he smiled. A sympathetic smile. I don't want his sympathy or anyone else's. 

He walked up to the steps of the stairs and when I got off the last step, he held my hand and squeezed it. That sent a jolt of electricity all over my body, a feeling of warmth. He looked up and smiled at me and this time it was a sincere one. I couldn't help but smile back and squeeze his hand. 

Faisal: shloonech al 7een? 

Me: el 7amdellah zeena, o enta? 

It came out as a whisper. 

Faisal: etha 5a6eebte eb 5eer shloon ma akoon eb 5eer? 

We got into the car o Sara insisted that I ride eb el passenger seat 6ab3an o ba3deen she shut us off by whispering the lyrics along with the blasting music coming through her earphones.

Faisal: ween tabeen enroo7? 

Me: ana a7aseb ento betwadoone makan, that's what Sara told me. She said come and you'll see. I didn't know enek you're coming a9lan. 

Faisal: I'm the one who suggested ena ne6la3. la mafe mokan mo7adad, fe mokan 5a6rich fe? 

Me: la walla 3ade mafe shay ef bale. 

Faisal: 5ala9 5ala9 3araft waen awaddeech.

He chuckled.
What's he up to? 

He drove in silence for the rest of the way. He stopped right in front of Toys R Us. Is he serious? This was the last place I had in mind but it always made me happy.  

Faisal: haa shrayech?

Me: this is great bas I didn't get any money. 

Faisal: shda3wa 6amboor 6een ana hne?

I laughed, SO GENTLE. No? okay no. 

Sara: oooh ashoof Abeer te'67ak.

Faisal: o entay shako? redday bas 7ag '3anaweech. 

Sara: la la jed shfeekom? 

Me: mafeena shay bas geltla enna I didn't get my wallet.

Sara: ee 7ettan ana ma 3ende floos kellesh e3ml 7sabk, wela ba3ad yaybeene 3al fa'6e. 

She's so funny lamma tet7al6am. 


 Awal ma de5alna, Sara ran off. It's just me and Faisal now.  

Faisal: look around o I'll be right behind you.

Me: haha obviously betkoon. 

I blushed. No blushing Abeer, no blushing.

He kept teasing me every time he found a stupid toy and I kept laughing and laughing and laughing. He got a wig and put it on his head and started acting like Sara, saying things like "ee ee 7ettan ana b3d f8ayra yaybeene 3al fa'6e" and "ya el 5erteeta" then he put on a blonde wig and started singing Barbie Girl. I was laughing the whole time. I love spending time with Faisal.

Finally I decided on something to get, I got one HUGE stuffed animal and lots of small stuff, like rubber bands and a tiny orange bag. I'm still a kid.
We walked to the counter and that's when I asked 

Me: ween Sara? 


She popped out of nowhere.

Faisal: a3othbella, meta bet3agleen entay? 

Faisal payed for the stuff then we got in the car. 

Sara: Faisal drop me off beet rfeejte, we have a project to work on.

Me: I thought you picked me for all your projects? 

Sara: laa umm, ee shno ba3ad, entay ma et3arfeen ween allah ga6ech eb el chem, ehya wayed a7san mennech. Sorry, you'll get over it. 

O 3a6atne flying kiss. I will kill her. Faisal laughed and said okay. 
We dropped her off then it was just the two of us, this might sound wrong to you but it was completely innocent, then Faisal didn't stop talking o I didn't stop laughing. Faj2a he just went silent and looked at me when we were at a stop light.

Faisal: Abeer 

Me: hala? 
Faisal: shrayech enroo7 cafe wela ma63am wela ay shay, 7adde yoo3an. 

I hesitated but I was hungry too. Ma akalt since yesterday morning.
I didn't know what to say so I said
Me: umm ma adre walla elle tbe.

Faisal: 7abeeeebe ana el 8anoo3 

I blushed and smiled. 

Faisal: ween tabeen enroo7? 


Faisal: men hal 3een gabel hal 3een, 7a9elle ta6lebeen menne shay ana? 

Me: hahahaa faisaaaal stop it. 

I actually didn't know what to say and I really didn't have anything to say a9lan. 


 We got there, got our menus, ordered, then started eating. 

Me: Faisal thank you for kel shay. 

Faisal: shda3wa yoba shsaweet ana? 

He started singing 

"ta3abek raa7a o a7ebek mahma tet3ebne, sheft el 3'ala keef sawa men el ta3ab ra7a? 3asheg o menho yeredek la t3athebne, el bal merta7 o el a39ab merta7a"

I blushed and laughed without saying a word.

Faisal: et3arfeenha? 

Me: la bs a7es ged sema3taha  

He was trying not to ruin the ga3da o y9eer awkward, he acted normal. 
I smiled and he smiled back. Then it went all silent. Not awkward silence, no, perfect silence. Where there was an understanding between us, that this right here is a moment to remember. That we're perfectly comfortable with each other.

Faisal: so is it a yes? 

Me: what? 
Faisal: el 5e6ba, yes? I mean it's still not official adre bas lazem gabel ma enyee asma3 mwafa8tech 

Me: hmm yes. 

Faisal: ylooomone, tadreen shno a7la shay feech? 

my cheeks were tomato red and I stuttered 

Me: e-e-eash? 

Faisal: etha esta7eetay, fedeeet el meste7e ana 

Why can't I stop blushing? FACE, ESHKOM NAFSEK. I stared down at my plate and kept playing with the food eb el fork. 

Faisal: et7ebbeene? 

I was shocked, ba6ne 3awarne eb zeyada, what am I supposed to say y3ne? Agool ee? o y7essne 5afeefa? Aw agool la o afashela? 

Me: I don't know, la tes2alne ketha tara ma3ref eash agool 

Faisal: goolay wela walla ma adfa3 o an7ash o a5alleech ehne, yemde7oon '3aseel le97oon. 

Me: hahahaha I know you can't leave me alone.

He got up and winked at me o masha shway. 

Me: mn jeddk? 

Kammal mashe. 

Me: come baaack walla basawe elle tbe come 5alaaa9 

Faisal: haa shtabeen? 

Me: ee 

Faisal: ee shno? 

Me: ee, jawab so2alek 

Faisal: baba abe jomla mofeeda  

Me: ee a7bk okay??? 

He started laughing o ma waggaf 9edg 9edg ma waggaf. 

Me: yalllaaaaa payyy 5alleena nroo7. 

Faisal: ee et7bbeene 3shan floose. 

Me: ee 9ara7a ya Bill Gates, o bl nesba ennek 8arrart enne a7ebek? 

Faisal: aha 

Then he got all nervous, 7abeebe Faisal, haha cute. Ra7amta so I hit his shoulder and laughed. We payed then went back home. I called the driver and he picked me up from their house. 

Sara came over that night because she was sleeping over, gave me her phone, and told me that Faisal wants to talk to me.

 I checked bbm.

FK: did you have fun? :*  

Me: YES marra, thank you so much! 

FK: law ennech mo 7lwa chan mo msawe chethe 

Me: -_- 

FK: at'3ashmar weyach, cham Abeer 3nde ana? 

Me: wa7da, I hope. :$  

FK: -____- 

Me: what? 

FK: akeed wa7da, mafe '3eerech la Abeer wala '3eerha. Malya 3eene wesh abe eb '3eerech ana?

Me: tara walla aste7e 5ala9 X_X 

FK: fedeeet el 5ajooool anaaaa :* 

Me: X_X  

Me: guess what 

FK: what? 

Me: I'm in Fatburger washing the dishes, your money was fake loser. 

FK: fake marra wa7da 3ad?:p yalla 3ade, if it makes you feel any better ygoolon 7ayat el 
mosharradeen 7elwa. 

Me: aa 3ade a9eer mosharrada ajal? 

FK: laaa walla ya3al elle yekrehooonech goole ameen  

Me: LOL that's better :$ 

FK: leesh enroo7 b3eed 

FK: ya3al sara ettesharrad wala entay 

Me: 7aram 3leek =)) 

FK: gal3at'ha 5al etterabba shway 

Me: you're mean :O 
FK: I'm Faisal. 

Me: hahaha very funny. Thanks again for making my day!!! Today was great!! 

FK: lucky mee, o thank you for always making me happy, 9ij kel ma ag3ed ma3ach a7ess I'm happy

Me: me too walla <3  

We talked all night, until it was 3AM. 

FK: goodnight beautiful :* 

Me: you think I'm beautiful? ;) hahaaa 
gafa6tek, don't deny it. 

FK: wela ba3ad merte, y3ne merte o ma etkoon beautiful? Ella the most beautiful woman eb el 3alam ba3ad.  

Me: LOL, goodnight bas 

FK: hey heyyyy waaait

Me: samm? 

FK: I love you ya el jeekara <3


Author's note:
A long chapter for you guys <3 hope you liked it!


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