Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapter Nine

My heart stopped, I tried taking in a deep breath but it wasn't working, and I just stared at those 3 words. Those 3 simple words.

My fingers roamed helplessly over the keyboard and I couldn't help but type in

Me: me too :$

I don't know if it's too early for that or if it's not but I've spent almost every day with Sara and that meant spending the most of it with Faisal around too. Loving him wasn't a decision, it's a feeling I can't control. Love is weird.

I spent almost the whole day being flushed and I was happy about it. I went to sleep without even bothering to look for the charger and I slept like a baby. At least I thought I was sleeping like a baby until...


Sara woke me up and told me to get dressed for school. I was having a nightmare, I can't really recall the events but I remember 3anood being in it. I feel horrible a7ess feeha shay.

After I got dressed, I started looking for the charger some more and finally, I found it! So I plugged it in and went to school.

6ool el dawam o ana 3ala a39abe thinking about what Fahad could be hiding or even what 3anood hid from me, her best friend.

The last bell rang and I was the first one to get out of school. The ride home was the longest ride of my life and I wanted the stupid driver just to step on it bas hoo 5awaf.

Finally, we9alna el beet, I ran up to my room, and fetched my phone. Sara asked me if I wanted her to come along but I told her I have to do this myself, I regret it now. This is it, the moment of truth.

I unlocked it and there it was. The message, actually 2.

"Well then brace yourself Abeer for an entertaining story. It all started when I was at your school to pick up one of my girlfriends, well now, ex-girlfriend but you get the point. I spotted a very beautiful girl waiting at the door so I smiled at her and she turned away 3ala 6ool kanne gayellaha emshe aboosek. I always get what I want, Abeer. I started coming back everyday, every single day and I'd find her there. Do you know how hard it was for me to get that girl? I won't bother you with details so let me just tell you that I worked so hard to get her and when I finally did I blew it. I blew it up, Abeer."

And another one.

"I bet you're too shocked to reply. You wanted to know so I told you."

I replied.

"That girl, it was 3anood 9a7?"

"Akeed it was 3anood. Leesh bagoolek el ge9a mathalan? Asharek ma3ak yawmeyate? Sha3'le mo5ek shway. :)"

"What happened?"

I was hurt. So hurt that I was really at a loss for words. Good thing this wasn't face to face and that I have time to think for a good way to reply.

"I got her, she was mine and mine only. We loved each other Abeer, 3anood loved me and I was crazy about her and then my friend hooked me up with a girl but I swear I only loved 3anood, I never fell for anyone this hard. It wasn't a crush, it was love and I knew it. But then a week before she went away she figured it out, that I was also with another girl, she was so heartbroken and I broke down, asking her for forgiveness. I tried everything to make her feel better, I couldn't stand seeing her like that! But then she told me she was leaving a9lan and it was good while it lasted and that she never wants to talk to me ever again. I couldn't let her go and I still can't, I told her we can make a long distance relationship work and I apologized about the other girl, I told her it was a misunderstanding and that my friend hooked us up without me knowing. I lied to her and I hated it. I was so close to getting her to say yes but then she discovered that you have a cousin named Fahad and that cousin is me. So she freaked out and didn't want anything to do with me or anyone else here anymore, so I can't contact her, at all. She changed her number, she doesn't reply to my emails, nothing! She's lost and I can't find her. And then dad said that he wanted me ene a56ebek but I don't want you, I want 3anood! Efhame I want her!!!! That's why I sent you the message. I didn't want you to say yes."

I started crying, ra7amt Fahad o ra7amt 3anood o I felt so heartbroken that 3anood didn't tell me about Fahad in the first place. We were so close, I used to tell her everything.

"I really don't know what to say..."

"Get over me Abeer, I don't want you."

"Wela ana elle I want you? 7amdella o el shekr bas. You'll find her someday enshalla and it'll all work out fine, have some patience."

"Kella eb sebtek, law you weren't my cousin kan mo kel hatha 9ar."

"Yes, blame it on me. You're the one who can't control himself, emsek nafsek ba3den come throw the blame on me. E3gel shway ba3deen 7eb, I'm not trying to make you feel worse bas 7aram you broke her heart! I know 3anood and I know she's weak. You lost a lover, I lost a sister because of your recklessness. So we both lost big time. Oh o a9lan law it were in my hands, kan we weren't even relatives to start with o kan you weren't on this earth men the first place. Bas 8adar allah o ma sha2 fa3al. Allah ye3eenek Fahad."

"Ameen, never tell anyone about this."

"I won't, ma ra7 astefeed a9lan law gelt."

The messages ended here. I can't believe 3anood didn't tell me, I mean why didn't she? I was her best friend and best friends have the right know everything. From who's the love of your life to what shade of yellow is your pee.

I wiped my tears with my sleeves and enseda7t on the bed and started thinking about everything that's been happening. Some events made me smile, some made me cry. I was like crazy person laughing and crying at the same time.


The week passed by and now it's the weekend. There's a gathering at my house which means I'm stuck here but the good part is that Sara will be joining me.
She came badre o asked me to tell her about everything that happened and I did o she told me that Faisal sa2al 3anne and wanted to make sure I was okay o he wanted her to let me know that his phone yet9ala7 eb el ma7al le2ana faj2a 5erab. That sucks, I really want to talk to him. He has a way of making me feel better, actually he has a way of making me feel great ba3ad!

Sara: snap out of your daydream, you love bird.

Me: meen love bird?

She smirked

Sara: entay

Me: la o meen gal

Sara: el bbm conversation gal

She winked at me

Me: yaa el malgoooooooooofa

Sara: walla a7ad gayelkom 3abraw 3an masha3erkom eb my phone?

Me: you know I couldn't find my charger

Sara: 7ata walaw, you did what you did and I snooped in 3aleekom, keefe

Me: ya sheenek

Sara: PING PING PING I love you

Then she started laughing, I couldn't help but blush and laugh too.

Me: chub chubbb chubb bas

Sara: sem3ay bas, tathkereen el guy? My stalker, Salman?

Me: ee "shesmich" guy

Sara: eee ee ohwa

Me: eash feeh?

Sara: shefta el yoom chan ynadeene again

Me: ween Faisal 3annek bas?

Sara: Faisal 9ayer el 3asheg el walhan ma yadre ween allah ga66ah, kella sar7an yfaker

Me: oh

I blushed. This family loves to make me blush.

Sara: el mohem re7tla o galle cham 3omrech?

Me: HAHAHAHA kenekom eb mbc3 interview

Sara: sektay welle y3afeech, a3eed? Nseetay 3ashan athakarech bas? washing dishes o fake money o ma adre shloon, ma twa8a3tech cheesy le hal daraja

Me: says the girl elle tebe wa7ed tawa shayefha ya36eha warda o yegool a7bech

Sara: weeeh ya kerhich, sem3ay la ahefech 6rag al 7een a6ay7 '6roosech.

Me: besmellaah kalatne

Sara: chan agool 15, you? Gal 18, chan ygool 3ala fekra wayed 7elwa, waaaaay abeer waay ya 7lwa o ohwa ygoolha 7aseet chenna 6ragat. Shakla ma3 Faisal.

Me: ohhhhh, 6ab3an ente ma 9adagte

Sara: agool 3abeer welle ysalmech se2le Faisal 3anna

Me: NA3AM?

Sara: ee shno 3ade

Me: la 7elwa hathe, kamle bas ba3deen eash 9ar?

Sara: galle el 3omr kella o I turned around. Ohwa shakla 3enda 9o3oobat tawa9ol, in other words "rehab ejtima3e"

I laughed and then we changed the subject. After a little while we got dressed 3ashan el 6'yoof bado yjoon o we went down, Sara kept stuffing her face with chocolates and I kept Staring at 5alte 7anan, Fahad's mom. She was laughing and chatting, not knowing that her son was suffering.

I got distracted in the kitchen kent arateb the food 7ag el tagdeem o Sara kept ruining it by picking the perfect piece that rose to her standards so she can munch on it, after she was done with the ta5reeb she went inside el majles.

A couple of seconds later someone walked in but I didn't turn around.


The voice said.
It was 5alte 7anan.


Author's note:

Hahaa enjoyyy xxo

And please please please please please let me know what you think, if you don't have an account here then contact me either on twitter or ask.fm :* love you guys!
