Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter Fifteen


I saw her hesitate for a second then before I knew it, I felt her hands around my waist as she hugged me. I was shocked for a moment but then I hugged her back and sobbed a bit with my chin on top of her head after she whispered 

"Crying is not being weak"

I inhaled the sweet vanilla scent of her hair as I sighed and whispered back

"I missed you"

I don't care if she thinks I'm weak, I had to say that and I did. I was brave enough to say it.

She let go of me and looked into my eyes saying 

"Me too"

I stared back into her watery eyes and smiled. 

This is one of the best moments of my life.


He had a look of pride on his face as if he owned the world.

I think we both liked it a bit too much which made me feel even more guilty.  

We heard someone clear their throat in the doorway, my heart jumped from its place. Who the hell saw us?

Sara looked at us smiling.

Sara: yalla emshaw ya el 5arateet 


The 3aza won't be held until they get the body from America so I was spending 3 nights here until they get it. I'm still going to school of course but I mean kel yoom after school I'm coming here then in the morning my driver will get me to school then afterwards he'll get me back here. 

We were sitting eb el 9ala, Mohammad, Faisal, Sara, and I. 

Mohammad: Salman weena ba3da ma yaa?

Faisal: he's getting us some food 

I nudged Sara and laughed. 

Sara: entaw bas teble3oon?

Faisal: la et5afeen, eb yyeeblokom ba3ad 

Sara: ee ashwa 

She put her hand on her heart. 

I laughed and then the red light on my phone flickered.

FK: shelle y'6a7ek? 

Me: Sara

FK: doom el '6e7ka enshalla :* 

I blushed.

FK: I see you blushing tara ;) 

Me: look away ;@@


Sara: tara ma7na a3'beya, en3aref shetsawoon

Mohammad: shensawe? 

Mohammad looked confused.

Sara: I take that back, ANA mane 3'abeya

Me and Faisal laughed o Sara joined in, Mohammad was just scratching his bald head. 

I'm so happy to see the smiles on their faces again. They mean the world to me, hom o my mom o my dad o Juju, Juju is my younger sister, she's 13 years old. 

I got up.

Faisal: 3ala ween? 

Me: baroo7 ajeeb charger

Faisal: I'm coming with you 

He got up and walked with me to the majles downstairs. 

Faisal: are we okay?

Me: ee 

I smiled.

Faisal: el 7amdlelah

He went away for 2 minutes and when he came back he was all covered in water, he prayed and when he was done I asked him

Me: what was that?

Faisal: 9alat shoker, you don't know how much kent ad3e ena everything yerja3 zay ma kan between us 

I'm not sure things will get back to normal this quick, it's still a bit awkward.

I laughed and looked down to the floor. 

He lifted my chin up using his index finger and looked at me 

Faisal: you're so beautiful and you're mine

Me: just like in the movies

Faisal: what?

Me: this is what they say and do in movies

Faisal: ma kent adre, sheftay I'm naturally romantic 

Me: ee mashallah 3aleek

Faisal: do you trust me? 

Me: why?

Faisal: do you?

If he asked me this question 2 days before, I would have said no. 

Me: yes

Faisal: okay

Me: leesh?

Faisal: just wanted to know

Me: a7seb 3endek salfa

Faisal: o men meta eykoon 3ende salfat?

He makes me laugh when he makes fun of himself.

We sat there and talked about random things, just catching up ya3ne. 

Faisal: yalla enred 3endohom? 

Me: ee okay yalla

Faisal: tara a7ebich

I turned my face away because I don't want him to see me blush lel marra el alf.

He ran to the side where my face was facing and I kept turning and he kept going to whatever direction my face was facing. 

Me: 5alaaa9 

Faisal: dawa5teeene 

He held his head.

Me: a7ad galek door zay el bezran?

Faisal: leesh ma tabeene ashoof wayhech?

Me: I don't like anyone seeing my face when I blush

Faisal: but I'm not anyone, 9a7?

Me: ee

Faisal: goole I love you Fa9oole

Me: la 

Faisal: ella

Me: la

Faisal: ella

Me: la

Faisal: ella

Me: la

Faisal took the charger and estefaad men 6oola so he held it up and I kept jumping trying to reach it but it was no use, he was too tall.

Me: I love you Faisal


Me: Fa9oole

He gave me the charger and laughed.

He held my free hand as we walked back there, Sara smirked at us and I didn't look at Mohammad but he's probably still scratching his head.

Mohammad: please 5alne6la3, abe a3'ayer jaw, abe agabel 5eshash 3'eer 5eshashkom PLEASE er7amo 3yoone

Sara: 3ayal 7ena elle mayteen 3ala 5eshetek

Faisal: ween taboon enroo7? 

Me: agoolekom bas you don't laugh at me? 

They all said GOOLAY. 

Me: I've always wanted to get some food men Burger King o eat the food eb el 7adeega elle gedama.

The all laughed and nodded.

Sara: a7lamech 3'abeya

Faisal: 5alle el bnaya keefha, a7san menich

She glared at him and then continued to laugh. 

We all got into Mohammad's car and went to Burger King.

We got our food then crossed the street to the 7adeega. 

Faisal whispered

Faisal: 7agagtlech wa7ed men a7lamech, I promise you ba7ageglech the others 

I couldn't help but grin at the thought that he's dedicated to making my dreams come true, he's so cute. 

We got out the carpet we got from home and farashnaha eb el 7adeega and we sat. It was sort of a picnic, only this wasn't Hyde Park. 

Faisal's phone rang.

Faisal: alo

Faisal: hala walla 7abeebe 

Faisal: la 7ena 6al3een

Faisal: eshway o radeen

Faisal covered el sama3a 7agat the phone and whispered angrily at us, 

Faisal: el malgoof yes2al weena, sheno agoola?

Sara: mo ohwa refeejek el mofa6'al? 5al eye

I laughed. Sara and her evil master plans. 

He put the phone back 3end his ear.

Faisal: bagoolek bas en gelt le a7ad bage9 elsanek

Faisal: sheft el 7adeega elle jedam Burger King?

Faisal: ee, we're there

Faisal: ma ye6'a7ek

Faisal: ya el 7aywan geltlek ma ye6'a7ek

Faisal: chub bas chub, ba3ad 5 minutes betkoon ehne ma3na so you're making fun of yourself ba3ad

Faisal: don't get food, we all ate bas get money le2ane mane 3azmek ba3ad ma 6'e7akt 3leena, you'll pay for your own damn Burger King meal

Faisal: yalla bye

We all laughed. 

Mohammad: walla loo el hay2a etshoofna 

Sara: chan kelna eb el GMCs

We all laughed, only harder this time. 

Mohammad: ee ma yadroon ena 7ena brothers o sisters 

Sara looked at me and exploded into fits of laughter.

Me: ana batbarga3 o atkalam soodane o agoolehom tawne I met you, kent abe el cup 7agekom 3ashan a3abe Fanta men Burger King

Sara: awal marra ashoof soodaneya bee'6a


Sara: sektay sektay bas, shooofay el zefta shno galat

She handed me her phone and I read the conversation between her and Noura

Ñoura ♥: 3a'6am allah ajrek :p 

I looked at Sara

Me: a7ad y7e6 :p o hoo y3azze el nas

Sara: agoolech chalba

I continued reading

Sara: ajrena o ajrech

Ñoura ♥: momken pin Faisal? Abe a3azeeh

My eyes shot up, this girl is unbelievable. 

Faisal had his eyes with me 6ab3an eb el jawal. He snatched the phone from my hands and started typing furiously, I wonder what he's saying. 


Author's note:

I know this chapter is a bit boring and probably irrelevant but I tried making this chapter cheerful to show you that you should move on even if someone dear to you has passed away because they would want you to be happy, not mourn them your whole life. 

اللهم ارحم موتانا و موتى المسلمين و اشفي مرضانا و مرضى المسلمين... 

Love you all xxo


& happy reading :* 


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chapter Fourteen

My legs couldn't carry me anymore so I sat on the bed.


I was shaking while I watched that D waiting for it to turn into an R.

What if Faisal died? What would I do then? What if he died o he still thinks ene ana za3lana mena. I feel so bad, how would I live with that? This guilt is killing me. I didn't even hear his side of the story, why didn't I believe my Faisal? Is he really dead?

Sara: ??


Sara: baba Abdulaziz allah yer7ama

I quickly took in a deep breath and thanked god. I mean allah yer7ama bas el 7amdella mo Faisal.

Me: eb el janna enshalla, 3a'6am allah ajrek :"(

Sara: ajrena o ajrech

I got dressed ebser3a and then we got into the car to go to 5alte Manal's house.


As soon as we got there I went up to 5alte Manal and hugged her o I told her 3a6'am allah ajrek o ketha and I hugged Sara and she cried in my arms for a while.

Faisal was nowhere in sight.

Mama was calming down 5alte Manal and I was doing the same to Sara.

Me: Sara 7abeebte emshe ne6la3 enjeeb akel

Sara: la male 5elg, I want to stay with mama

5alte Manal: la sara yomma go

Me: ee en3'ayer jaw shway

Sara: ween benro7 ya3ne?

Me: ma adre ay shay law 7etta McDonalds drive-thru

Sara: 5ala9 okay bas I want to wash my face first

Me: I'll wait for you here

While I was waiting, 5alte Manal started talking about her father with a look of pride plastered on her swollen red face.

5alte Manal: my father was a great man, he always gave to people who were in need o walla ma kan yered a7ad abad, ra3e 5eer, he was always smiling and playing with children, kan y3aref ys3d el nas elle 7oola dayem. I'm not bragging bas walla obooy kan rayyal eb ma3na el kelma, kan ma yza3el ome abad o en za3alha ydawer ay shay 3ashan yra'6eha, kan ye3a9eb 3aleena bas 3ala 6ool ba3adaha eye yet7acha weyyana o yeshra7lena leesh 3a9ab, el rasool gal ethkro ma7asen mawtakom bs mashalla ana '3eer el ma7asen ma a3arf 3anna, allaah ythabta 3end el so2al o y6ahra men el 5aya6a. Amal, tathkereen obooy?

Mama: ee walla o shloon ansa? Kent kel esboo3 lemma aje beetkom ya36eene ana o ente 5 riyal o oob oobbb wesh kanat el 5 riyal awal? Kena ye36eena 50 000, we were the richest kids eb el madresa

5alte Manal laughed at that o Sara walked in on her mom laughing which made her smile as well.

5alte Manal: tara el 9alat 3aleeh awal ma eredoona mn america, et9adgoon 3ad 5eera ena mat allah yer7ama wayed ta3ab weya el sara6an

Mama: eb el nehaya a9lan kelna raj3een lel trab o ma7ad yedre meta yooma

5alte Manal: ee walla

That thought made me shiver. What if I die now o Faisal still thinks that I didn't forgive him?

Why am I having these stupid thoughts?

Sara kissed her mom's head then we were off to McDonalds.


Even the driver was half crying, he must have been a great man.

We reach McDonalds by 9alat el 6'ohor so we had to stay in the car and wait for them yefte7oon. It was so awkward and we were so silent. It's never been this way between me and Sara.

Me: umm Sara

Sara: hala?

Me: sorry for everything

Sara: la 3ade I'm sorry ene 3a9abt eb zeyada bas 3ashan walla you didn't see Faisal

Me: I love him Sara

Sara: I know you do

Then she hugged me. She cried in my arms and I couldn't help but cry too, then when the hug was over, Sara blew her nose and hit me with her elbow jokingly saying

Sara: bassech dala3 3ad

We laughed a bit then McDonalds finally feta7, we got our food then went back home.


We got back home and found Mohammad there with mama and 5alte Manal, I gave him my condolences then it went quiet.

We were sitting in the 9ala elle foog so I decided to get us all some water from the kitchen downstairs because their sha3'ala ya nayma ya etkalem.

I went down to the kitchen and as I started pouring the water into the glasses, I heard a fuss coming from the nearby majles.

I placed the water down and went to see what was happening.

I saw Faisal sitting there with his head in his hands but he didn't notice me. He must be heartbroken.

He suddenly looked up, he must have felt someone watching him. When he saw it was me, he stood up. His eyes were freshly wet from tears, his nose was red, and he was trying to wipe all the signs of crying from his face but the tears were only increasing. He didn't want to look weak in front of me.

I realize that what I'm about to do is wrong and I know I'll feel guilty afterwards. But seeing him in this state, made feel like I had to do this even though I know I shouldn't do it.

I walked up to him and in a quick movement put my arms around his shoulders and hugged him as I whispered

"Crying doesn't make you weak"

I felt his muscles stiffen.


Author's note:


Oh and a lot of you were asking about my me5ala6a accent so I decided I'd answer you here since a lot of you want to know what's the deal with it lol :p I used to live in shargeya but I moved to riyadh :*

Sorry about this chapter being short, love you all

Enjoy xxo

& happy reading :*

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chapter Thirteen

Noura: So, Faisal's mine

Me: what?

Noura: he's been with me gablek

Me: we're not together a9lan

Noura: oh really?

Me: ee, eash ga9dk he's been with you gable?

Noura: ya3ne hoo 7abeebe, 7age ana, e7na together

A lump made its way to my throat.

Me: bye

I managed to say that and I got up from the table with what dignity I had left.

Noura laughed and said

Noura: 7abeebte we're splitting the check

I turned around and stared at her happy expression and I threw up, right there, next to the stairs in Burger Boutique, right in front of everyone.

Noura gasped then laughed.

My tears were like waterfalls as I ran to the car.


I got home with my puffy eyes and red nose, thank God no one was there. I got myself a glass of water then went to my room and sat on the edge of the bed with the glass still in my hands.

How did everything go downhill faj2a, it was going great! I was finally living the love story I've always dreamed of and Faisal was always good to me, he still is but why did he lie?

Could it really be true? I cried even more. I put the glass on the desk and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning and checked my phone. 5 bbms.

3 from random people, 1 from Sara and 1 from HIM.









Sara: a7ache nafse :"""(


Sara: YA 95AALA






Me: enshalla mane nasya shay

Sara: shfeech?

Me: wala shay

Sara: betgoolenle in school :)

I ignored that.

Should I open his conversation?

I will and I'll ignore him.

FK: weenech kella ma t7acheen m3ay :p

FK: amdach nemtay ya el deyaya

FK: la ykoon za3lana


There were a lot of pings. I ignored him and went to school.


Sara was waiting for me 3end el bab and nashabatle she wants me to tell her eash feene. I told her everything.

Sara: agoolech shay bas ma et3a9been?

Me: ee

Sara: he told me about her ba3ad ma shefnaha eb el mall

Me: what did he say?

Sara: she's telling the truth

Me: he's with her?

Sara: WAS with her

Me: so they're not together?

Sara: no

Me: that's not what she said

Sara: well then she's lying

Me: what did Faisal say exactly?

Sara: gal ena ohwa awal ma yeena ehne he had a friend o ba3deen yoom men el ayam ra7 beet refeeja o he had a sister o that sister is Noura, el mohem ena refeeja went to get bage el rabe3 men 3end el bab o chan tye Noura etsawe nafsaha d5alat eb el 3'ala6 o badat she gives hints o chethe, Faisal 3a9ab o gam o 6ela3 men el beet o ba3deen a week passed o ehya bas ta36e hints o she added him o ohwa men 3'aba2a he accepted, t3arfeen el 9bayyan mhabbal, o 9ar elle 9ar

I stayed silent digesting this massive amount of information.

Sara: bas tara ohwa ma y7ebha wela 3omra 7abha o 3ala 6ool when he realized ena he loves you, he left her o ana a3aref Faisal o5ooy, ma ychatheb

Me: then why did he deny knowing her?

Sara: ma yabe mashakel

I nodded and walked to my next class. I didn't see Noura for the whole day and when it was a5er el dawam I saw her next to el bab, sawat nafsaha enha testafre3' tgaledne ams. I hate her so much.

If he had told me the truth men el bedaya it would have been better, I would have accepted the fact that he used to have a girlfriend. I mean, all teenage boys are like that, well most of them at least. Bas ana elle gaherne why did he lie to me about knowing her?


When I got back home, I checked my phone again.

FK: t7gereene?


FK: answer me!!!!


I can't believe I'm actually thinking about doing this, I never thought I would.

The screen said

Delete FK?

Yes - No


As soon as I did that I got a bbm message from Sara.

Sara: why did you delete him?

He must have been waiting for me to reply.

Sara: are you serious? Shara7tlech everything, why did you do that?

I'm not answering.

Sara: abeer awal marra akoon serious ma3ach, redday


Me: yes?

Sara: why did you delete Faisal?

Me: because he lied to me Sara

R. She read it.

Minutes later,

Sara<3 calling...

Me: alo?

Men my voice bayen ena I was crying.

Sara: so you're crying?

Me: no

Sara: yes you are

Me: no

I heard some moving coming from the other end of the phone.

Faisal: alo Abeer

I hung up.
I don't want to talk to him, I can't talk to him.

I threw my phone away and re7t ge3adt 3ala the lunch table. I didn't eat anything. When I got back to my room, I found 28 missed calls from Sara.

I decided to take a nap. Anything to get my mind off of this mess.

I couldn't sleep. I got up and started moving around the room, fixing stuff. Ratabt my room. I rearranged everything and my mind was still wide awake to the fact that I could hear what Faisal has to say. I mean it's only fair that I hear his side of the story. I don't want to do that today. I'll do it lamma ajame3 all my strength 3alashan ma abke.

I reached for my phone. 5 new missed calls from Sara. 1 message from an unknown number.

"Abeer give me a chance to explain, you don't understand Noura's lying, I swear she is"

I'll just go take a shower.

I started singing sad songs in the shower.

Anything to make me forget, just for tonight at least. But nothing would make me forget.

I went downstairs and sat with mama

Mama: 7abeebte eash feeek?

Me: la wala shay mama

Mama: la bayen 3aleek kente tebkeen

Me: la walla mafe shay

Mama: tarane omek, la t5abbeen 3aleey

Me: 5ala9 okay, I'll tell you

Mama: yalla goole

Me: I was watching A Walk to Remember

Mama: allah ye9la7ek 5awafteene 3aleek, banat a5er zaman

I forced out a giggle. Jalasna ana o mama nsoolef elamma it was 10 PM. I went upstairs, feta7t el laptop, sha3'alt My Sister's Keeper and I started crying.

Mama yelled from downstairs.


Etha 9araftaha betshek mama ena fe shay.


Seconds later, the land phone rang

Me: alo?

Sara: et7agreene ana ba3ad? Wesh thanbe?

Me: faj2a asma3 Faisal yegool alo? Eash mafroo'6 asawe?

Sara: talk to him

Me: after he lied to me?

Sara: ba6lay dala3, it was an innocent white lie

Me: a lie is a lie

Sara: 7aram 3aleech Faisal is devastated, I've never seen him like this, sheftay that's why he didn't want to tell you

Me: it would have been better law he was honest men el bedaya

Sara: there's no use talking to you, rasech yabes

Me: 6ayeb a9lan I-

She hung up. Why is Sara being like this? She should be on my side. Ana el ma'6looma.

Kamalt watching My Sister's Keeper then I slept without touching my phone.

I woke up and went to school. Sara ignored me the whole day, I even sat alone eb el recess. She wasn't even looking at me.

I went up to her.

Me: why are you ignoring me?

Sara: same way you ignored me ams

Me: Sara come on, you know ma kan ga9de

Sara: I don't care

Me: yalla 3ad Sara

Sara: 5ala9 Abeer, please leave me alone shway, I need to think

Me: think of what?

Sara: stuff

Me: like?

Sara: who my friends are

She smiled a very annoyed smile then she turned away.

You know when you're too shocked to even cry? That was exactly what was happening to me, I bit my lips and walked away.

I stayed depressed for the rest of the day. This is all because of Noura.

Am I overreacting?

Sara ma3 el 7ag always, I don't think eb te'6lemne.

I decided to talk to her.

Me: ahleen :p

Sara: hi

Me: keefek?

Sara: gd

Me: feek shay?

Sara: no

Me: leesh el borood?

Sara: mo borood

Me: ajal?

Sara: wala shay

Me: sure?

Sara: yes

Me: so one word replies mo borood?

Sara: no, mo borood

Me: sara please stop doing this

Sara: doing what?

Is she joking?

Me: this, being so cold to me

Sara: listen, you are my best friend, akthar ensana close to me tbh, bas you hurt my brother! I've never seen him like this, NEVER o I've lived with him for my whole life

Me: ma kan ga9de bas he lied

Sara: will you stop saying that? :)

Me: but he did

Sara: get over it, it was for your own good o stop saying ena it would have been better law he told you le2an ana a3arfich zeen o I know you can't handle the truth, even he knows that

Me: I'm sorry Sara

Sara: save it for someone who cares, bye

This isn't happening.

This is not happening.

Me: Sara please?

She ignored me.

I cried myself to sleep.


The next morning, mama came in to my room o bayen ena she was crying and told me that I wasn't going to school today and that we were going to 5alte Manal's house.


Mama: mama 7abeebte agoolek ba3deen, now get dressed

Me: mama tell me

Mama: geltlek ba3deen, yalla elbase

I was shaking so bad as I went through my whole morning routine then I held my phone. 2 bbms from random people and wela shay from Sara.

I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't help but notice her status first, it said

اللهم ارحمه و تغمد روحه الجنة. إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون


Author's note:


Love you all xxo

& happy reading!
