Friday, May 4, 2012

Chapter Eighteen - MY APOLOGIES

Hello everyone, first of all I want to say that I really need to stop this story because of very personal reasons that I can't share with you guys. I love you all so much and I know how much yeghar when someone stops writing a story suddenly and leaves you hanging without an ending, so this chapter is going to be kind of an epilogue and I'm going to wrap up the story. 
Thank you all so much for the amazing support and you guys don't know how happy you've made me, much appreciated. I'm terribly sorry but I love you guys so much. 

It's going to be a silly ending but I just had to wrap it up. 



I found him drooling with his head rested on the shoulder of the guy next to him and the guy was so freaked out it was so funny. I bursted into laughter and gestured for Sara to come. She came and we started laughing our asses off at how he looked, Fahad was staring us down this whole time. 

Faisal suddenly woke up, wiped the drool off his face, and apologized to the terrified passenger next to him. He looked at me and smiled then gave Sara a disgusted look, we laughed at that too. 

Sara: mn lega a7baba nesa a97aba

Faisal: shtabon yayen ehne? 6efashtaw men ba3a'6?

Sara: a9lan we're not sitting next to each other

I nudged her.

Faisal: bas you were aw-

Sara: yeah yeah, 3'ayeraw our seats

Faisal: o now you're sitting next to who?

Sara: ana yam wa7da maynoona

Faisal: o Abeer?

Me: umm wa7ed

Faisal: shakla warach salfa

Me: it's Fahad

Faisal: SHNO? Yalla ge3day ehne, ana baro7 ag3ed henak

Me: no wesh da3wa I can't, sitting next to my cousin a7san men ma ag3ed ma3 a complete stranger

Faisal: ee you have a point, 6ayeb shgal awal ma shafech

Me: la 3ade bas salam

Faisal: aha


I went back to my seat, Fahad and I talked a lot about 3anood. Fahad is an okay person, he's not that bad but he's been through so much. Oh and he's not going to camp with us, thank god. 

We got to camp, everything was going perfectly. Faisal and I went back to being sort of lovers, more than friends. He even gave me my first forehead kiss, I loved it. 

Thoughts were haunting me, Faisal will be gone for college and where will I be? 

I started distancing myself from him once more and he started getting jealous because I made guy friends. 

We had a couple of fights but it always turned out to be fine. 
All this time, Sara was just being her fun old self. 

When we finally got back to Riyadh, Faisal proposed. I couldn't believe it. We were engaged, officially.  

Everything was planned, Sara and I would follow Faisal after we're done with high school and then we'd study abroad with him. 

I gave Faisal a very special mission which is that he should get me 3anood's number, my detective fiance did it. He got me 3anood's number! I contacted her and invited her to my wedding and she promised she would come, I told her about Fahad and how he's so heartbroken, she really didn't give me an answer to the Fahad situation but at least she's coming to the wedding. 


2 years later, 

I was graduating finally. Faisal came back to Riyadh and we held our wedding here and 3anood came! Fahad saw her and the next day he proposed, 3anood said yes. 

3 weeks later, Salman proposed and now Salman and Sara are officially engaged. 

Faisal and I moved back to the US so we could finish our studies. 

1 year later, Faisal and I were blessed with a beautiful daughter that we named Sara. 

Life is filled with ups and downs o el 7amdlelah 3ala everything. 

You want to know what happened to Noura? 3annasat, okay I'm joking, she got married off to an old guy that has lots of money, I don't think it was love. 


Thank you for being great readers, sorry for being an awful writer and sorry for the awful ending. 

Love you all xxo



  1. Thank you. 7a6amteeni, bss yalla m3lesh. :). Best of luck :*

  2. At least you end the story ;)
    Good luck <3

  3. What a shame i was really caught up into the story <\3
    was looking for more chapters to read but ah well :P
    your a great writer don't doubt your self
    and i can tell your an also great person the way you replay on everyone just makes u a very humbled down to earth person which made me really like u..
    i just started reading it like 3 hours ago :P had fun one of the best hours of my life ..
    keep it up i will be looking for more of your stories <3<3
    Much Love sent from Bahrain <3

    1. This is one of the sweetest things that anyone has ever said to me, thank you so much for your very kind words :** <3
